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Be Bold in Your Business and Life

Over the last week I have had multiple conversations with people in my life about being bold in my business.  When I started this business 4 years ago I didn’t wait around to have all the answers, I just jumped right in and hoped for the best.  I literally had about 3 months of design and drafting experience when I released my first pattern, but that didn’t stop me.  Now don’t get me wrong it is not all sunshine and roses, there have been frustrations and failures that equal if not exceed the the good but none of that would have happened if I wasn’t bold with my business.

Sew the Year – January Recap

January was a bit of a blur.  Not only were we coming off of the holidays but I was out of town or had a full schedule every single weekend of the month!! I had originally planned to do a post for each item sewn and then a Sew the Year January recap post, but life got the better of me.  So that means I am going to go ahead and cram it all into this post and promise to be better next month.

Get Organized – Cleaning

Every new year I make the decision to get more organized in all areas of my life from cooking and cleaning to household management and decluttering.  Nearly every year something happens around the middle of January that throws me off and I lose focus.  Then December rolls around and I find myself re-energized to make the change.  So this year I thought I would use all of you to help keep me motivated to make the changes for life to run more smoothly.